Toy Story is an animated comedy film that was released in 1995 by Walt Disney Pictures. The story’s plot is about the cowboy doll called Woody and the astronaut action figure called Buzz Lightyear. They first came as rivals towards the attention and affection of their owner Andy Davis. But later on, they joined hands on a journey to be reunited with their owner after getting separated from him.
With innovative animation and fantastic characters, Toy Story surely lands a part of the viewer’s hearts. The show created a huge impact in the film industry since its debut. A lot of graphics chip makers try to copy the imagery used in the show. Game developers desired to replicate the intricate animation of the show to develop a video game. Toy story memes are all over the web after so many years since its first release. Check some of it here;
1. Defying the god of death…
2. Getting rejected…
3. Engine is made of engine.
4. When you discover something outrageous!
5. Counting the bathroom tiles…
6. When you meet him at 3 a.m…
7. Spanish Buzz Lightyear
8. Ken nowadays
9. When Andy Davis became a toy
10. Meeting the soulmate
11. Oil and Dinosaurs
12. When you’re not invited to a birthday party
13. Going to a better place
14. Being a real friend
15. The pain of reality.