The internet will never be complete without memes. These hilarious takes on literally anything under the sun started as image macros and were prominently shared on various social media platforms. Nowadays, memes can be in the form of GIFs, videos, and even blocks of texts that remind us that humor can be found in virtually anything. Meme culture is typically self-referential and doesn’t take itself seriously, which is why famous people who end up as memes simply play along and join the fun instead because why not, right?
Memes abound on the internet but one site where you can search and view thousands of memes in one sitting is Twitter. With more 300 million active users in a day, it’s not surprising how fast memes get created and shared on the platform. There are even accounts made solely for sharing all sorts of memes!
As a Twitter user looking for a quick chuckle, it’s easy to get overwhelmed with all the sources of the memes on the site, but we’ve got the 15 of the best memes on Twitter that will surely keep you laughing for hours! Check our list of the funniest memes and share them with a friend, too!

We definitely had the best childhood.

That’s… one way to put it, right?

Is it worth it to forgo health just for 10 more minutes of sleep? Yes. Yes, it is.

Sums up everyone’s Twitter timeline.

Naps are such an elusive thing.

You better start making up excuses before they start asking questions!

This has never been a simple Yes/No question.

*accidentally sends STFU to Mom* Mom: Aww how sweet of you to save some tiramisu for later!

There is a strange sense of relief knowing that a stranger from somewhere in the world shares the same sentiments as you.

Kim Kardashian is all of us when wearing a tank top.

Twitter is free!

Why does this always happen?!

Pretending to be a host in a cooking show be like:

The audacity!

Driving is always a competition.