15 Priceless America Memes To Keep You Amused

The most powerful nation, the country with the most number of wealthy individuals, the country with the most number of billionaires – The United States of America.

Aside from the financial side, America is also known for its military superpower. It is also known as the most affluent nation in the world. It is the number 1 global exporter of entertainment and there is no shortage of talents in the country. America is also known to have world-class athletes as they have won numerous awards in Olympic competitions against different countries across the world.

Americans are also known for their numerous space explorations. In fact, an American man was the first man to land on the moon. He is Neil Armstrong. The entertainment industry in America is also widely patronized by the viewing public. Hollywood movies are known as the oldest, the most profitable, and the largest film industry across the globe.

Along with its success are the America memes that are also storming the online world. Here are some of those;

1. Military Dogs in USA

2. Teachers in USA

3. Bringing peace to other countries.

4. God Loves USA

5. Party in the USA

6. Oil or Kneecaps?

7. OIL!

8. In the US and some other countries around the world.

9. Spain don’t have to spend money on CCTV

10. Running away as far as possible!

11. UK vs US

12. Students during graduation…

13. Just staying calm, behind the curtain.

14. No Surprise toys!

15. Iraq vs. Kuwait vs USA