Anti-Trump Memes That Will Make You Laugh Hard!

The former US President Donald Trump is one of the most controversial presidents in the country. Throughout his presidency, he was involved in a lot of controversies that led to pretest to oust him in the highest government position of the country. The protest didn’t just occur in the United States but in Europe and other countries as well.

And when the new-elect president was announced, protests were once again aroused. Adding to his offenses are the previous sexual misconducts. The protest was made in many forms, like rallies, demonstrations, walk-outs, petitions, business closures, and marches. Anti-trump supporters are all over and they are eager to impeach Trump.

The matter is quite serious in America but on social media, there are hilarious spoofs and memes that are drawing laughs all over. Check them out here;

1. You’re left without nothing to do.

2. Art of the Deal.

3. The system is rigged against him, he says.

4. Did you know facts.

5. Supposed to be…

6. A million dollar loan.

7. He says…

8. Orange is the new black.

9. Qualifications

10. The supporters don’t care!

11. The tub of margarine.

12. He came in like a wrecking ball.

13. Reaching for female voters…

14. My child serves where?

15. Because?