15 of the Most Fascinating and Sharable FFXIV Memes

Final Fantasy XIV (FFXIV) is an online role-playing game that is developed for Microsoft Windows computers. It is already the fourteenth entry from the main series of Final Fantasy but the second MMORPG following the Final Fantasy XI.
The game is set on Eorzea, a fantasy realm. Players can customize their avatars and take control of it as they venture into the land that was caught up in the invasion held by Garlean Empire. Players will also have to deal with the threat brought by the Primals as well as the deities at the land of the Beastmen tribes.
Players can choose to join in one of the five races. There are two tribes in each race and each player will have an avatar that can be customized especially their eye, hair color, skin tone, facial features, and other special features like birthmarks or scars. All of these can be added randomly. The game released several series thanks to its popularity. Even FFXIV memes are all over the Internet and avid fans can’t get enough of it. Check them out here;

  1. I don’t know who you are!

2. Let me in!

3. When you don’t know what to do…

4. The death of an important character drags you in a tight situation.

5. We are not potatoes.

6. I’m not a teenager!

7. I took his eyes.

8. You don’t deserve me at my best

9. Being a healer…

10. Just for five minutes…

11. Wondrous Tails

12. Why?

13. No one’s letting me in!

14. The legacy member.

15. Copying your classmate’s homework.