Take It Easy and Laugh With These Priceless Florida Memes

Different cultures live together in Florida. Ethnic groups like American Whites, Europeans, African Americans, Cubans, Asians, and Puerto Ricans. However, the culture of the state is particularly influenced by Native Americans. And because Florida is known as a southern state, southern culture is also widely practiced throughout the area. Because of its rich culture and good economy, a lot of people from the United States and Europe end up moving to Florida.

According to recent data, the Hispanic population takes up a quarter of the entire Florida population. The whites, on the other hand, take on 76 percent of the population. Black people are about 15 percent, Asians are 2 percent, Native Americans are 0.31 percent and other nationalities are at 2%.

Beyond its well-known cuisines and delicious food, Florida is also drawing laughs online, particularly because of the memes about Florida and how people get to share it simply because they can relate to it.

1. This is what driving in Florida looks like…

2. Florida man be like.

3. Crocodiles walking on the streets of Florida.

4. Calling the police.. for the lack of vodka!

5. What’s wrong with this man?

6. Grim Reaper reporting.

7. It defines who I am.

8. S.C.O.H.O.L

9. Who has the courage to vacuum their fart? Only Floridians.


10. We don’t do that here.

11. The different faces of Floridians.

12. That’s why you need to reconcile before you sleep.