Our Favorite Collection of Gen Z Memes

Who are millennials? Who is Gen Z? Young people continue to play their social role by creating trends and interpreting trends. After the ‘Millennials’, a new generation of influencers are here, they are the members of Gen Z or people who were born from 1995 to 2010. They are the people most exposed to digital evolution. They are greatly exposed to social networks, the Internet, and mobile systems.

The Gen Z people are more exposed to cross-referencing of a lot of references and they are comfortable integrating their offline and virtual experiences. Young people are starting to become potent influencers to people of all ages, no matter the social status and incomes. About 20% of the entire population nowadays are made up of Gen Z. Even the online world, is full of Gen Z memes that are both funny and relatable. We have a compilation here that you certainly need to check!

1. The most amazing time of your life

2. When social media is life!

3. How Gen Z handles text messages

4. Gen Z can’t live without their phones.

5. The GPS 

6. The charger problem

7. The mom of every Gen Z

8. How Gen Z sees Gordon Ramsey

9. Brocollie

10. The weird Gen Z

11. The Cool Cob

12. Boomers vs. Millennials vs. Gen Z

13. This is how Gen Z reacts on humor

14. This is how Gen Z handles humor

15. This is how Gen Z handle World War 3