15 Of the Best Marriage Memes: Goofy Jokes and Memes All Year Round

You will never fully understand the importance of marriage until you experience it first-hand. Marriage isn’t always happy. There will be hard times and you might think of giving up. But the essence of being a happily married couple is not the happiness along the way but the rough road that they are willing to take while holding each other’s hands.

Marriage eliminates loneliness for both the husband and the wife. Although there are challenges, you will be more mature. Plus, the greatest blessing that a couple can have is the wonderful kids that will add color to their union. Indeed, God created marriage to make us realize how great he is and all these things are revealed through the purposes He planned for the marriage. It is a lifelong commitment and an opportunity to grow in selflessness. It is not about the physical union. It is more about the spiritual as well as emotional union that comes along with it.

To all the amazing married couples out there or those who are experiencing tough times, cheer up! Here are some amazing and funny marriages memes that you can surely relate on.

1. The every day encounter…

2. I’ll bite you!

3. Checking the files…

4. What’s that?

5. Mom still needs to do EVERYTHING!

6. Don’t you dare…

7. FACT!

8. What was that again?

9. It will be remembered FOREVER!

10. What did I do wrong?

11. Go Away!

12. That One Special Person

13. Checking the real you!

14. Being sexy while disappointed.

15. A Miracle!