15 Hilarious Metal Memes To Keep You Entertained Throughout the Day

Why do people get attracted to metal music? Some people find it strange that they like this type of music but they really do. They even like heavier bands such as Possessed and Kreator. Most of the time, people get attracted to metal music because of its complex nature and very challenging and unique aura. People who love listening to metal music even find it therapeutic and removes their stress, even causing them to sleep a bit faster than normal.

Metalheads are mostly male who have high IQ and average self-esteem. Metal music is empowering especially to those with super high IQ as they are mostly left as outsiders. Also, they don’t tend to make friends easily because they find it hard to strike a normal conversation with other people, thus, they see metal music as a source of empowerment. So, if you know someone who likes metal music, don’t judge them abruptly. Nonetheless, here are some of the most shared metal-memes in the Internet nowadays.

1. Mom first or she’s the first to become brutal on you.


2. The face of the daughter is epic!


3. Metal for Life!


4. It’s your lost, not mine…


5. So different!


6. How did he managed to sell an album?


7. So heavy metal can still get a lot heavier.


8. Let’s fight!


9. You’ll be amazed with the difference.


10. Transformation real quick!

11. Parenting done right…


12. This is exactly you!


13. Great job kids!


14.  Their faces explains it all!

15.Please do something about it!