Laugh All Day Long With These Sloth Memes Compilation

Sloths are known as the laziest animal for so many years and their name originally came from one of the Seven Deadly Sins. In 1749, when sloths were described during scientific literature, it was referred to as the ‘lowest form of existence’. Ever since that time, sloths became known as lazy creatures, doing nothing but to sleep the entire day.

But amidst the criticism, sloths are actually more complex than you expect them to be. They are mysterious animals that its revolutionary history will surely amaze you. Did you know that when sloths poop about a third of their body weight, in a single go? This is such a bizarre bathroom habit among animals but this information about sloths is really true. Sloths are also 3x stronger than humans. They are world champions when it comes to pull-ups. Another bizarre fact about sloths is their ability to digest a single leaf for 30 days. They have the lowest metabolic rate of all mammals in the world.

With its unique face, sometimes funny but also can be scary, sloths are the perfect object for memes. Check out our compilation of sloth memes below;


1. No one noticed. Pretty sure!

2. This is true love!

3. Oozing with knowledge!

4. My spirit animal!

5. SWAG!

6. Beware!

7. The energy to sleep more…


8. You can do it!

9. Look under your bed, at night!

10. You’re mother is your greatest fan!

11. Looking fabulous!

12. Weekend feels…

13. You like to move it move it?

14. Being lazy by doing nothing.

15. You can’t arrest me!