An Exceptional Library of Zelda Memes

Legend of Zelda, or just Zelda is an action-adventure game created by Takashi Tezuka and Shigeru Miyamoto. The game is all about exploration, action, adventure, and puzzles that players will go through. All of these game elements have remained throughout all its series. All refinement was made in every new game.

There are three game areas of every Zelda series – the overworld, the areas of interaction, and the dungeons. The life meter of every player is represented by hearts and every heart represents 2 hit points. When the game starts, the player will have three hearts but it will soon increase on their maximum level if the player finds the heart-shaped crystals also known as Heart Containers. You can get full heart containers if you reach the end of the dungeon as this item is usually from defeated dungeon bosses.

The gameplay is so exciting that players tend to get too excited upon playing it. But the addictive factor of Zelda couldn’t end in the game itself. It has transcended into Zelda memes that players love to share on their social media accounts. Check some of them here;

1. The Final Boss has awoken

2. Anybody wants a belly button piercing?

3. What it feels like to enter the Water Temple

4. The Final Boss!

5. Do you LOVE the Legend of Zelda?

6. When Zelda needs help, I forget everything.

7. Not ready yet!

8. Wanna hit me?

9. Naming your baby Hyrule

10. The real MVP

11. The Rupees are falling down

12. Do you even lift?

13. Where we cried.

14. The water temple

15. You came to the wrong neighborhood.